Star Wars Land (Galaxy's Edge) is coming...

When the Walt Disney Company purchased Lucas Arts, the opportunity to extend the Disney Parks to include an area dedicated to Star Wars became a REAL possibility.

Galaxy's Edge (the official name of Star Wars Land) will include two new attractions: Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run, and Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance.  The area is also described as having an immersive experience, complete with droids, stormtroopers, and rogue traders.

The addition to Star Wars to the US Disney Parks has been in the works for over a year now.  The expected opening for Disneyland's Galaxy's Edge is expected in June of 2019... The date for Disney World's opening has been a guessing game...

The first announcement was "late fall" which most took to mean sometime in November or December.  Then it moved to just "fall," so the speculation began that it would be October or November.  Then Bob Iger said that they expected a boost to revenues from the US parks in the first quarter, which starts in September... Much discussion, much buzz, no hard date as of yet.

However, I can tell by looking for a hotel reservation for the first week of December, typically a relatively slow time between Thanksgiving and Christmas, that park-goes are betting it will be open by then.  The anticipation is high, and Star Wars fans are really dedicated, so I hope Disney does this right!

It will be interesting to see how well Disneyland manages the demand when Galaxy's Edge opens during the typically busy summer months.  The current estimate is that the Millennium Falcon ride will have up to 10 hour wait times.  While that seems crazy to me, it isn't unreasonable that people will want to experience riding in the famous ship, sitting in Han's seat, and flying through space... So maybe people will wait that long just to experience something they have dreamt of since childhood.

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